For knee stability and mobility, strengthen the muscles around your knee joints.
#1 Sit-to-Stands: All you need is a chair for Sit-to-Stands. These sit-to-stand exercises can improve your ability to get up from a chair, get in and out of bed or your car.
If you’re starting, begin with level 1 - the easiest Hands-on Armrests while sitting, place your hands on armrests. Level 2- Place Hands-on Thighs when you sit and slowly progress to level 3- Hands-Free.
#2 Roll your Shoulders: Stand with arms straight and close to your body. Roll your shoulders forward 10 times. Then roll them back 10 times.
#3 Side Bends Exercise
1. Put your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your knees slightly, and tuck your tummy in.
2. As you reach your right arm over your head to the left, slide your left arm down your left leg to the knee.
3. Let your body lean into the stretch( if you feel any pain, you are reaching too far.
4. Hold for a count of 10. Then return to the starting position. Repeat on the other side.
#4 Leg Raise/Lying
1. Lay flat on your back on the floor or bed with your arms at your sides.
2. Slowly lift your leg several inches while keeping your leg straight and tightening your leg muscles.
3. Tighten stomach muscles to push lower back down.
4. Hold and count to 5; lower the leg as slowly as possible.
5. Repeat, then switch to the other leg.
Why it works: This exercise strengthens the quadriceps that are the large muscles on the fronts of your thighs that attach to your knee joints.